The progress bar can be set in two ways in SpaDES. First, by setting values
in the .progress
list element in the params list element passed to simInit()
Second, at the spades()
call itself, which can be simpler. See examples.
# S4 method for class 'simList'
progressInterval(sim) <- value
# S4 method for class 'simList'
progressInterval(sim) <- value
# S4 method for class 'simList'
progressType(sim) <- value
# S4 method for class 'simList'
progressType(sim) <- value
for progressInterval
, a numeric corresponding to the progress update interval;
for progressInterval<-
, an updated simList
Progress Bar:
Progress type can be one of "text"
, "graphical"
, or "shiny"
Progress interval can be a numeric.
These both can get set by passing a
.progress = list(type = "graphical", interval = 1)
into the simInit
See examples.
# \donttest{
if (requireNamespace("", quietly = TRUE) &&
requireNamespace("NLMR", quietly = TRUE)) {
opts <- options("spades.moduleCodeChecks" = FALSE) # not necessary for example
mySim <- simInit(
times = list(start=0.0, end=100.0),
params = list(.globals = list(stackName = "landscape"),
.progress = list(type = "text", interval = 10),
checkpoint = list(interval = 10, file = "chkpnt.RData")),
modules = list("randomLandscapes"),
paths = list(modulePath = getSampleModules(tempdir()))
# progress bar
progressType(mySim) # "text"
progressInterval(mySim) # 10
# parameters
params(mySim) # returns all parameters in all modules
# including .global, .progress, checkpoint
globals(mySim) # returns only global parameters
# checkpoint
checkpointFile(mySim) # returns the name of the checkpoint file
# In this example, "chkpnt.RData"
checkpointInterval(mySim) # 10
options(opts) # reset
}# }
#> Setting:
#> options(
#> spades.modulePath = '/tmp/RtmpIQ0Aky/sampleModules'
#> )
#> Paths set to:
#> options(
#> rasterTmpDir = '/tmp/RtmpIQ0Aky/SpaDES/scratch/raster'
#> reproducible.cachePath = '/tmp/RtmpIQ0Aky/myProject/cache'
#> spades.inputPath = '/tmp/RtmpIQ0Aky/myProject/inputs'
#> spades.outputPath = '/tmp/RtmpIQ0Aky/myProject/outputs'
#> spades.modulePath = '/tmp/RtmpIQ0Aky/sampleModules'
#> spades.scratchPath = '/tmp/RtmpIQ0Aky/SpaDES/scratch'
#> )
#> terra::terraOptions(tempdir = '/tmp/RtmpIQ0Aky/SpaDES/scratch/terra'
#> Jan27 19:04:05 simInit Using setDTthreads(1). To change: 'options(spades.DTthreads = X)'.
#> Jan27 19:04:05 simInit The following .globals were used:
#> Jan27 19:04:05 simInit Key: <global, module>
#> Jan27 19:04:05 simInit module global
#> Jan27 19:04:05 simInit <char> <char>
#> Jan27 19:04:05 simInit 1: randomLandscapes stackName
#> Elpsed time for simInit: 0.05122757 secs