Parse and extract a module's version
moduleVersion(module, path, sim, envir = NULL)
# S4 method for class 'character,character,missing'
moduleVersion(module, path, envir)
# S4 method for class 'character,missing,missing'
moduleVersion(module, envir)
# S4 method for class 'character,missing,simList'
moduleVersion(module, sim, envir)
Character string. Your module's name.
Character string specifying the file path to modules directory.
Default is to use the spades.modulePath
A simList
simulation object, generally produced by simInit
Optional environment in which to store parsed code. This may be
useful if the same file is being parsed multiple times. This
function will check in that environment for the parsed file before
parsing again. If the envir
is transient, then this will have no effect.
indicating the module's version.
# using filepath
path <- getSampleModules(tempdir())
moduleVersion("caribouMovement", path)
#> [1] ‘1.6.1’
# using simList
options("spades.useRequire" = FALSE)
if (require("", quietly = TRUE)) {
mySim <- simInit(
times = list(start = 2000.0, end = 2002.0, timeunit = "year"),
params = list(
.globals = list(stackName = "landscape", burnStats = "nPixelsBurned")
modules = list("caribouMovement"),
paths = list(modulePath = path)
moduleVersion("caribouMovement", sim = mySim)
#> Setting:
#> options(
#> spades.modulePath = '/tmp/RtmpIQ0Aky/sampleModules'
#> )
#> Paths set to:
#> options(
#> rasterTmpDir = '/tmp/RtmpIQ0Aky/SpaDES/scratch/raster'
#> reproducible.cachePath = '/tmp/RtmpIQ0Aky/reproducible/cache'
#> spades.inputPath = '/tmp/RtmpIQ0Aky/SpaDES/inputs'
#> spades.outputPath = '/tmp/RtmpIQ0Aky/SpaDES/outputs'
#> spades.modulePath = '/tmp/RtmpIQ0Aky/sampleModules'
#> spades.scratchPath = '/tmp/RtmpIQ0Aky/SpaDES/scratch'
#> )
#> terra::terraOptions(tempdir = '/tmp/RtmpIQ0Aky/SpaDES/scratch/terra'
#> Jan27 19:03:58 simInit Using setDTthreads(1). To change: 'options(spades.DTthreads = X)'.
#> Jan27 19:03:58 simInit caribouMovement: module code: landscape, caribou are declared in metadata inputObjects, but no default(s) are provided in .inputObjects
#> Jan27 19:03:58 simInit caribouMovement: module code: landscape is declared in metadata inputObjects, but is not used in the module
#> Jan27 19:03:58 simInit caribouMovement: inputObjects: Par$stackName is used from sim inside Init, but is not declared in metadata inputObjects
#> Jan27 19:03:58 simInit caribouMovement: inputObjects: Par$stackName is used from sim inside Move, but is not declared in metadata inputObjects
#> Jan27 19:03:58 simInit The following .globals were used:
#> Jan27 19:03:58 simInit Key: <global, module>
#> Jan27 19:03:58 simInit module global
#> Jan27 19:03:58 simInit <char> <char>
#> Jan27 19:03:58 simInit 1: caribouMovement stackName
#> Jan27 19:03:58 simInit Global parameter(s) not used in any module: burnStats.
#> Elpsed time for simInit: 0.1527359 secs
#> [1] ‘1.6.1’