Parse and extract module metadata

  path = getOption("spades.modulePath", NULL),
  defineModuleListItems = c("name", "description", "keywords", "childModules", "authors",
    "version", "spatialExtent", "timeframe", "timeunit", "citation", "documentation",
    "reqdPkgs", "parameters", "inputObjects", "outputObjects")

# S4 method for class 'missing,character,character'
moduleMetadata(module, path, defineModuleListItems)

# S4 method for class 'missing,character,missing'
moduleMetadata(module, defineModuleListItems)

# S4 method for class 'ANY,ANY,ANY'
  path = getOption("spades.modulePath", NULL),
  defineModuleListItems = c("name", "description", "keywords", "childModules", "authors",
    "version", "spatialExtent", "timeframe", "timeunit", "citation", "documentation",
    "reqdPkgs", "parameters", "inputObjects", "outputObjects")



A simList simulation object, generally produced by simInit.


Character string. Your module's name.


Character string specifying the file path to modules directory. Default is to use the spades.modulePath option.


A vector of metadata entries to return values about.


A list of module metadata, matching the structure in defineModule().

See also


Alex Chubaty


## turn off code checking -- don't need it here
opts <- options("spades.moduleCodeChecks" = FALSE,
                "spades.useRequire" = FALSE)

path <- getSampleModules(tempdir())
sampleModules <- dir(path)
x <- moduleMetadata(sampleModules[3], path = path)
#> Assuming sim is a module name

## using simList
if (require("", quietly = TRUE)) {
   mySim <- simInit(
      times = list(start = 2000.0, end = 2001.0, timeunit = "year"),
      params = list(
        .globals = list(stackName = "landscape")
      modules = list("caribouMovement"),
      paths = list(modulePath = path)
   moduleMetadata(sim = mySim)
#> Setting:
#>   options(
#>     spades.modulePath = '/tmp/RtmpIQ0Aky/sampleModules'
#>   )
#> Paths set to:
#>   options(
#>     rasterTmpDir = '/tmp/RtmpIQ0Aky/SpaDES/scratch/raster'
#>     reproducible.cachePath = '/tmp/RtmpIQ0Aky/reproducible/cache'
#>     spades.inputPath = '/tmp/RtmpIQ0Aky/SpaDES/inputs'
#>     spades.outputPath = '/tmp/RtmpIQ0Aky/SpaDES/outputs'
#>     spades.modulePath = '/tmp/RtmpIQ0Aky/sampleModules'
#>     spades.scratchPath = '/tmp/RtmpIQ0Aky/SpaDES/scratch'
#>   )
#>   terra::terraOptions(tempdir = '/tmp/RtmpIQ0Aky/SpaDES/scratch/terra'
#> Jan27 19:03:57 simInit Using setDTthreads(1). To change: 'options(spades.DTthreads = X)'.
#> Jan27 19:03:57 simInit The following .globals were used:
#> Jan27 19:03:57 simInit Key: <global, module>
#> Jan27 19:03:57 simInit              module    global
#> Jan27 19:03:57 simInit              <char>    <char>
#> Jan27 19:03:57 simInit  1: caribouMovement stackName
#> Elpsed time for simInit: 0.05758786 secs
#> $name
#> [1] "caribouMovement"
#> $description
#> [1] "Simulate caribou movement via correlated random walk."
#> $keywords
#> [1] "caribou"                         "individual based movement model"
#> [3] "correlated random walk"         
#> $childModules
#> character(0)
#> $authors
#> [1] "Eliot J B McIntire <> [aut, cre]"
#> $version
#> [1] ‘1.6.1’
#> $spatialExtent
#> SpatExtent : 0, 0, 0, 0 (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
#> $timeframe
#> [1] NA NA
#> $timeunit
#> [1] "month"
#> $citation
#> list()
#> $documentation
#> list()
#> $loadOrder
#> $loadOrder$after
#> $loadOrder$before
#> $reqdPkgs
#> $reqdPkgs[[1]]
#> [1] "grid"
#> $reqdPkgs[[2]]
#> [1] "terra"
#> $reqdPkgs[[3]]
#> [1] "sf"
#> $reqdPkgs[[4]]
#> [1] "stats"
#> $reqdPkgs[[5]]
#> [1] " (>= 2.0.0)"
#> $parameters
#>           paramName paramClass   default   min  max
#> 1         stackName  character landscape    NA   NA
#> 2   moveInitialTime    numeric      2001  2001 2001
#> 3      moveInterval    numeric         1     1    1
#> 4                 N    numeric       100    10 1000
#> 5             torus    logical     FALSE FALSE TRUE
#> 6            .plots  character    screen    NA   NA
#> 7  .plotInitialTime    numeric      2000  -Inf  Inf
#> 8     .plotInterval    numeric         1  -Inf  Inf
#> 9  .saveInitialTime    numeric        NA  -Inf  Inf
#> 10    .saveInterval    numeric        NA  -Inf  Inf
#> 11            .seed       list              NA   NA
#>                                                                                                                        paramDesc
#> 1                                                                                                        name of the RasterStack
#> 2                                                                                          time to schedule first movement event
#> 3                                                                                          time interval between movoment events
#> 4                                                                                                      initial number of caribou
#> 5                                                                                       should the map wrap around like a torus?
#> 6                                          A modular mechanism to create plots, using png, screen device or other. See `?Plots`.
#> 7                                                                                              time to schedule first plot event
#> 8                                                                                              time interval between plot events
#> 9                                                                                              time to schedule first save event
#> 10                                                                                             time interval between save events
#> 11 Named list of seeds to use for each event (names). E.g., `list('init' = 123)` will `set.seed(123)` for the `init` event only.
#> $inputObjects
#>   objectName objectClass                             desc sourceURL
#> 1  landscape  SpatRaster     layername = "habitatQuality"      <NA>
#> 2    caribou  SpatVector Object holding caribou locations      <NA>
#> $outputObjects
#>       objectName objectClass desc
#> 1        caribou  SpatVector   NA
#> 2 habitatQuality  SpatRaster   NA

# turn code checking back on -- don't need it here