Specify a new module's metadata as well as object and package dependencies. Packages are loaded during this call. Any or all of these can be missing, with missing values set to defaults

defineModule(sim, x)

# S4 method for class 'simList,list'
defineModule(sim, x)



A simList object from which to extract element(s) or in which to replace element(s).


A list with a number of named elements, referred to as the metadata. See details.


Updated simList object.

Required metadata elements

nameModule name. Must match the filename (without the .R extension). This is currently not parsed by SpaDES; it is for human readers only.
descriptionBrief description of the module. This is currently not parsed by SpaDES; it is for human readers only.
keywordsAuthor-supplied keywords. This is currently not parsed by SpaDES; it is for human readers only.
childModulesIf this contains any character vector, then it will be treated as a parent module. If this is a parent module, then only this list entry will be read. For normal, i.e., 'child modules', this should be character(0) or NA. If a character vector is provided, then these must be the names of the modules located in the same file path as this parent module that will be loaded during the simInit.
authorsModule author information (as a vector of person() objects. This is currently not parsed by SpaDES; it is for human readers only.
versionModule version number (will be coerced to numeric_version() if a character or numeric are supplied). The module developer should update manually this with each change that is made to the module. See https://semver.org/ for a widely accepted standard for version numbering.
spatialExtentThe spatial extent of the module supplied via terra::ext. This is currently unimplemented. Once implemented, this should define what spatial region this module is scientifically reasonable to be used in.
timeframeVector (length 2) of POSIXt dates specifying the temporal extent of the module. Currently unimplemented. Once implemented, this should define what time frame this module is scientifically reasonable to be used for.
timeunitTime scale of the module (e.g., "day", "year"). If this is not specified, then .timeunitDefault() will be used. It indicates what '1' unit of time means for this module. SpaDES interprets this and if modules have different timeunit values then it will correctly schedule each module, using the smallest (currently the default) timeunit as the 'model' timeunit in the spades call.
citationList of character strings specifying module citation information. Alternatively, a list of filenames of .bib or similar files. This is currently not parsed by SpaDES; it is for human readers only.
documentationList of filenames referring to module documentation sources. This is currently not parsed by SpaDES; it is for human readers only.
loadOrderNamed list of length 0, 1, or 2, with names being after and before. Each element should be a character string/vector naming 1 or more modules that this module must be after or before. after and before are used from the current module's perspective. So, list(after = c("Biomass_core")) means that this module must come after "Biomass_core". This should only be used when there are cyclic dependencies (2 or more modules have 1 or more objects that is in both inputObjects and outputObjects of both/all modules) between this module and other modules. In cases where the dependencies are not cyclic, SpaDES is able to resolve the order correctly.
reqdPkgsList of R package names required by the module. These packages will be loaded when simInit is called. Require::Require() will be used internally to load if available, and install if not available. Because Require::Require() can also download from GitHub.com, these packages can specify package names stored on GitHub, e.g., "PredictiveEcology/SpaDES.core@development".
parametersA data.frame specifying the parameters used in the module. Usually produced by rbind-ing the outputs of multiple defineParameter() calls. These parameters indicate the default values that will be used unless a module user overrides them with the params argument in the simInit() call. The minimum and maximum are currently used by the SpaDES.shiny::shine function and the POM function, and they should indicate the range of values that are reasonable scientifically.
inputObjectsA data.frame specifying the data objects expected as inputs to the module, with columns objectName (class character), objectClass (class character), sourceURL (class character), and other (currently spades does nothing with this column). This data.frame identifies the objects that are expected, but does not do any loading of that object into the simList. The sourceURL gives the developer the opportunity to identify the source of a data file that can be used with the model. This URL will be used if the user calls downloadData (or downloadModule(..., data = TRUE). If the raw data must be modified, the developer can use create a function called .inputObjects in their module. That function will be run during the simInit call. The developer should ensure that if the object is supplied by the module user as an argument in the simInit, then the .inputObjects should not be run, i.e., use an (is.null(sim$xxx))).
outputObjectsA data.frame specifying the data objects output by the module, with columns identical to those in inputObjects. Like inputObjects above, this only identifies the objects that this module will output into the simList. The module developer must create the necessary functions that will cause these objects to be put into the simList.


Alex Chubaty


# \donttest{
  ## a default version of the defineModule is created with a call to newModule
  newModule("test", path = tempdir(), open = FALSE)
#> New module test created at /tmp/RtmpIQ0Aky
#> * edit module code in test.R
#> * write tests for your module code in tests/
#> * describe and document your module in test.Rmd
#> * tell others how to cite your module by editing citation.bib
#> * choose a license for your module; see LICENSE.md
#> Main module file is: /tmp/RtmpIQ0Aky/test/test.R
#> Main documentation file is: /tmp/RtmpIQ0Aky/test/test.Rmd

  ## view the resulting module file
  if (interactive()) file.edit(file.path(tempdir(), "test", "test.R"))
# }