Create a network diagram illustrating the simplified module dependencies of a simulation. Offers a less detailed view of specific objects than does plotting the depsEdgeList directly with objectDiagram().

moduleDiagram(sim, type, showParents = TRUE, ...)

# S4 method for simList,character,logical
moduleDiagram(sim, type = "plot", showParents = TRUE, ...)

# S4 method for simList,ANY,ANY
moduleDiagram(sim, type, showParents = TRUE, ...)



A simList object (typically corresponding to a completed simulation).


Character string, either "rgl" for igraph::rglplot or "tk" for igraph::tkplot, "Plot" to use quickPlot::Plot() or "plot" to use base::plot(), the default.


Logical. If TRUE, then any children that are grouped into parent modules will be grouped together by coloured blobs. Internally, this is calling moduleGraph(). Default FALSE.


Additional arguments passed to plotting function specified by type.


invoked for its side effect of plotting the module dependency diagram.

See also

igraph(), moduleGraph() for a version that accounts for parent and children module structure.


Alex Chubaty


# \donttest{
if (requireNamespace("", quietly = TRUE) &&
    requireNamespace("NLMR", quietly = TRUE)) {
times <- list(start = 0, end = 6, "month")
parameters <- list(
  .globals = list(stackName = "landscape"),
  caribouMovement = list(
    .saveObjects = "caribou",
    .saveInitialTime = 1, .saveInterval = 1
  randomLandscapes = list(.plotInitialTime = NA, nx = 20, ny = 20))

modules <- list("randomLandscapes", "caribouMovement")
paths <- list(
  modulePath = getSampleModules(tempdir())

# Set some options so example runs faster
opts <- options(spades.moduleCodeChecks = FALSE, spades.loadReqdPkgs = FALSE)
sim <- simInit(times = times, params = parameters, modules = modules,
               paths = paths)
# Can also use default base::plot
modDia <- depsGraph(sim, plot = TRUE)
# See ?plot.igraph
plot(modDia, layout = layout_as_star)

# Or for more control - here, change the label "_INPUT_" to "DATA"
edgeList <- depsEdgeList(sim)
edgeList <- edgeList[, list(from, to)]
edgeList[from == "_INPUT_", from := "Data"]
edgeList[to == "_INPUT_", to := "Data"]
edgeList <- unique(edgeList)
ig <- graph_from_data_frame(edgeList[, list(from, to)])
#> Attaching package: ‘igraph’
#> The following objects are masked from ‘package:terra’:
#>     blocks, compare, union
#> The following object is masked from ‘package:testthat’:
#>     compare
#> The following objects are masked from ‘package:stats’:
#>     decompose, spectrum
#> The following object is masked from ‘package:base’:
#>     union
#> Setting:
#>   options(
#>     spades.modulePath = '/tmp/RtmpL0NbCA/sampleModules'
#>   )
#> Paths set to:
#>   options(
#>     rasterTmpDir = '/tmp/RtmpL0NbCA/SpaDES/scratch/raster'
#>     reproducible.cachePath = '/tmp/RtmpL0NbCA/reproducible/cache'
#>     spades.inputPath = '/tmp/RtmpL0NbCA/SpaDES/inputs'
#>     spades.outputPath = '/tmp/RtmpL0NbCA/SpaDES/outputs'
#>     spades.modulePath = '/tmp/RtmpL0NbCA/sampleModules'
#>     spades.scratchPath = '/tmp/RtmpL0NbCA/SpaDES/scratch'
#>   )
#>   terra::terraOptions(tempdir = '/tmp/RtmpL0NbCA/SpaDES/scratch/terra'
#> Apr16 01:26:24 simInit Using setDTthreads(1). To change: 'options(spades.DTthreads = X)'.
#> Apr16 01:26:24 simInit The following .globals were used:
#> Apr16 01:26:24 simInit Key: <global, module>
#> Apr16 01:26:24 simInit              module    global
#> Apr16 01:26:24 simInit              <char>    <char>
#> Apr16 01:26:24 simInit 1:  caribouMovement stackName
#> Apr16 01:26:24 simInit 2: randomLandscapes stackName
#> Elpsed time for simInit: 0.07221079 secs
#> Plot encountered an error; trying base::plot

# }